Mind & Body Workshops
My workshops bring together my psychotherapy training, experience and a body centred approach called Hakomi. Hakomi is a gentle form of body centred psychotherapy that uses assisted self-study to help individuals explore their way of being in a gentle and safe environment. Hakomi is a Experiential Method is based on the work and creative genius of Ron Kurtz.

Who Would Benefit From This Workshop?
Any individual or professional who is interested in self-awareness.
The introductory workshops are designed for both individuals who wish to explore and deepen their self-awareness, as well as professionals who might be interested in the use of mindfulness, body-awareness and non-violence in psychotherapy. A CPD certificate of attendance will be available for those who would like one.

"The idea that we are not separate, that we are inescapably parts of a whole greater than each of us alone, is the root of loving presence"
Ron Kurtz
What & How Will You Learn?
Participants will find out about Hakomi through a variety of experiential practices (mainly inpairs or in small groups). Learn how to be with our 'present moment experience' and deepen your capacity for 'mindfulness. Begin to understand our habitual responses and start to choose more nourishing ways of relating to ourselves.
See how we can use these experiences in dailv lives, in our relationships with others both personally and professionally.
Cultivate more self-awareness and understanding, leading to qualities of personal freedom and creativity, and a genuine appreciation for oneself and others.
Begin to learn and practice some simple yet powerful ways to respond more effectively to suffering.
My Next Upcoming Workshop
A Still Point before Xmas Chaos ?
Sunday 17th December
from 10-4pm
Main meeting hall
Main Road, Bosham.
W.Sussex. PO18 8PJ.
(Greendoor, formerly Hamblin Hall)
£ 50 for the day.
a place will be reserved upon receipt of payment
Tea/coffee will be provided, please bring a packed lunch.